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about me

Dita Anggraeni

24 years old
sweet and little
loves beach, blue,
ice cream
and love

Live in Bandung
looking forward to visit your town

My final project is about tsunami

Looking for a proper job...
or a proper love...

* m a y s t a r *
Gorgeous S t r a w b e r r y Kiss
i really don't think it gets any better than this . vanilla smile .
and a gorgeous strawberry kiss!
birds sing we swing . clouds shift by and everything is like a dream
It's everything I wished...
..the cure

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Silly conversation on a new motorcycle.

Q : "what do you miss most when I'm gone?"
A : " of course I miss you."
Q : "Come on... there's gotta be a specific detail about me."
A : "...mmm... Your silly stories."
Q : "What!?"
A : "Yeah, you like to make up silly stories and sometimes silly action too."
Q : *grmmmmmm*

A : "What do you miss most when I'm gone?"
Q : " Actually... The way you smile, and of course laugh, for the silly in me."
A : *smile*
Q : "That's it."
A : "Silly girl."

si kecil at 4:13 AM

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